Capture Insights

Streamline Data Collection and Analysis with Timebook's AI-Powered Insights


Receive %data from anywhere% with inbox

You can enable Inboxes in your Team to receive work from external apps and communication channels. We will then "translate" the contents of your Team Inboxes into Timebook Work Items so that you can manage all your work using one system. The Inbox feature lets you configure a dedicated email address, create an online form to capture feedback, or connect with external apps. This ensures you can track and manage all Work Items regardless of their source.


Receive %data from anywhere% with inbox

You can enable Inboxes in your Team to receive work from external apps and communication channels. We will then "translate" the contents of your Team Inboxes into Timebook Work Items so that you can manage all your work using one system. The Inbox feature lets you configure a dedicated email address, create an online form to capture feedback, or connect with external apps. This ensures you can track and manage all Work Items regardless of their source.

Solution tree

%Discover and validate solutions% to opportunities using the solution tree

Work closely with design and engineering leaders to discover and validate solutions to opportunities using the solution tree. Ensure you build the right features that customers will adopt.

Solution tree

%Discover and validate solutions% to opportunities using the solution tree

Work closely with design and engineering leaders to discover and validate solutions to opportunities using the solution tree. Ensure you build the right features that customers will adopt.


%Streamline the product discovery process% with timebook's Opportunities.

Streamline the product discovery process with Timebook's Opportunities. Organize ideas and experimentation and identify gaps to reach a clear outcome. Turn your customers' needs and pain points into opportunities for potential solutions.


%Streamline the product discovery process% with timebook's Opportunities.

Streamline the product discovery process with Timebook's Opportunities. Organize ideas and experimentation and identify gaps to reach a clear outcome. Turn your customers' needs and pain points into opportunities for potential solutions.

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AI-assisted planning and task management for high-performing Teams.