Manage Delivery

Eliminate product development risks and Monitor progress continuously.


Projects are a way to %manage your product delivery process% in timebook

You can use them as containers for a set of features you plan to ship. Define the time range for your projects, assign owners to them, and use the risk assessment setting to track progress.


Extend collaboration %beyond your Workplace%

In Timebook, you usually collaborate with your Workplace members by sharing Work Items and Pages. But collaborative features are not limited to your Workplace as you can work with other Timebook users too. Timebook users from different Workplaces are called "Partners," and you can invite them to one of your Planners. This way, seamless cross-workplace collaboration is possible, and you don't have to join multiple Workplaces to achieve it.


You can use Teams to %mirror the structure% of your organization in timebook

Think of Teams as groups of professionals who share common work goals. Each Team has Planners, which could be described as "containers" for project work. You can use them to store your Work Items and other content. Teams come with several sharing features to facilitate collaboration.

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AI-assisted planning and task management for high-performing Teams.