
Creating a faster time to value through cross-functional collaboration

In modern product development, achieving a faster TTV hinges on several critical factors.

What is %Time to Value?%

In software development, the time to value (TTV) represents the time from when a feature or enhancement is implemented to when it delivers value to end-users. Essentially, it measures how quickly a user can achieve their desired outcome after interacting with your software.

For example, consider an e-commerce platform. If a new feature (such as personalized recommendations) is added, the TTV would be the time it takes for users to experience and benefit from those recommendations - whether it’s finding relevant products or receiving tailored discounts.

Optimizing TTV involves streamlining development processes, reducing unnecessary delays, and ensuring that features are usable and valuable to users as swiftly as possible

Why is %TTV% important?

The importance of TTV lies in its impact on customer satisfaction and retention. Swift value delivery ensures that users experience the benefits of your product or service promptly. When customers achieve their goals faster, they are more satisfied and likely to continue using your offering.

"The sooner you help people experience a meaningful quick win in the product, the sooner your users will come back to your product and eventually turn into customers."  Wes Bush

A shorter TTV also reduces the risk of users abandoning your product during the onboarding phase. Retained customers contribute to long-term revenue and brand loyalty. Optimizing TTV directly correlates with happier users and better business outcomes.

How can %cross functional collaboration% increase your TTV?

“Product management is the only role that cannot deliver anything alone. Without good cross-functional collaboration, we can’t deliver anything. It’s on us to make sure everyone collaborates.”Georgie Smallwood

When members from different departments collaborate, they bring varied skills and perspectives. This diversity accelerates problem-solving and decision-making, leading to faster development cycles.

Cross-functional teams ensure representatives from various areas are involved in project discussions. Clear communication reduces misunderstandings, streamlines processes, and avoids delays.

Combining different viewpoints sparks creativity and non-traditional solutions emerge, leading to faster product iterations and quicker value delivery. Team members learn from each other, gaining insights into different areas of the business. This shared knowledge accelerates learning and improves overall efficiency.

Collaboration fosters mutual respect and understanding. Teams work cohesively, leveraging each other’s strengths to achieve goals faster. Cross-functional collaboration promotes agility, efficiency, and better outcomes, ultimately reducing TTV. “If you’re only using your engineers to code, you’re only getting half their value.” - Marty Cagan

Uniting the %Product Trio%

Uniting the Product Trio - engineers, designers, and product managers - is crucial for successful product development. Deeper collaboration involves moving beyond a transactional relationship. Instead of a ping-pong of opinions, they must collaborate to solve meaningful problems and achieve shared objectives.

One example of how this can be achieved is to invite product managers early in the design process. Share insights and discuss wireframes to ensure alignment from the start.

Reiterate goals, vision, and strategy consistently. Remind the team of the big picture and how their work contributes to it in order to create a shared understanding.

"The goal is for a product trio to represent balanced perspectives while still remaining as small as possible to facilitate and expedite collaborative decision-making."  Teresa Torres

Staying in %Sync%

Staying in sync isn’t just about ticking boxes - it’s about fostering a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility. Keep everyone in the loop, and aligned around the goals and strategies to maintain a shared understanding.

Short, daily meetings to shares progress, roadblocks, and upcoming tasks ensures everyone is aware of the project’s status and can address any bottlenecks promptly.

A more comprehensive weekly meeting where teams discuss broader topics such as strategy, design iterations, and development milestones, is an opportunity to align goals and make informed decisions.

Regular communication prevents teams from working in silos. When everyone knows what others are doing, they can adjust their efforts accordingly.

If the project veers off track, regular check-ins allow for timely adjustments. Waiting too long can lead to wasted effort and missed deadlines.

Frequent interactions build trust among team members. Trust fosters collaboration and encourages open communication.“The biggest product management challenge is resource alignment. Team sizes are always changing and frequently lopsided. Having a deep backlog of well-prioritized projects is key to operating an efficient team.”Ethan Hollinshead

Single Source of %Truth%

Having a Single Source of Truth means having centralized, easy to find, documentation for consistent understanding. It serves as the primary and most reliable reference point within an organization.

By centralizing data, you eliminate fragmentation and ensure consistent and accurate information. It also promote alignment across teams and departments. Whether it’s project plans, customer data, or knowledge bases, having a central hub streamlines workflows and decision-making.“Companies have tons and tons of data, but [success] isn’t about data collection; it’s about data management and insight.” - Prashanth Southekal

Data silos hinder collaboration, but having a single source of truth breaks down those barriers, allowing teams to access relevant information easily. Collaboration becomes seamless, leading to better outcomes and improved Decision-Making:

Informed decisions rely on reliable data. A single source of truth provides the necessary foundation for data-driven insights, enabling smarter choices and faster action. Teams spend less time searching for information or reconciling conflicting data. With a centralized source, tasks move faster.

When everyone accesses the same data, collaboration accelerates. Whether it’s launching a product or resolving customer issues, speed matters. A single source of truth isn’t just about data - it’s about efficiency, collaboration, and better outcomes.

%Sprint-Based% Development and %Iterative% Delivery

A sprint is a time-boxed period (typically lasting from one to four weeks) during which a development team focuses on completing a set of tasks. Each sprint has specific goals, such as delivering a potentially shippable product increment or achieving specific functionality.

Teams collaborate intensively during sprints, fostering communication and alignment. Sprints allow teams to adapt to changing requirements and feedback. This incremental delivery reduces risk by allowing early validation of features. Users can also start using parts of the product sooner.

Sprints can also be thought of as repeating cycles of development, allowing for contstant iteration, learning, and improvement. Teams learn from each increment and incorporate feedback into subsequent iterations. Frequent iterations provide valuable insights and teams can adjust based on new information. Ultimately the users benefit by getting usable features earlier, enhancing satisfaction.

Remember, it’s not just about completing tasks—it’s about delivering value consistently and adapting based on real-world usage.

“Agile teams produce a continuous stream of value, at a sustainable pace, while adapting to the changing needs of the business.” - Elisabeth Hendrickson

%Autonomous% teams empowered to make %decisions%

When teams feel ownership and autonomy, they become more efficient. Autonomous teams make decisions swiftly, avoiding delays caused by hierarchical approvals.

Ownership also encourages exploration, experimentation, and learning from failures. Teams adapt and iterate faster. Autonomous teams explore new ideas and initiatives without fearing immediate repercussions for failure. This leads to increased innovation and proactivity in problem-solving.Empowered teams are given freedom and autonomy, allowing knowledge to be shared easily, without unnecessary constraints.

Autonomous teams drive value by embracing ownership and making decisions swiftly. As an agile leader, creating this empowering environment accelerates your TTV.

"At the end of the day, your team is smarter than you are, it has more information than you do, it is closer to the problem than you are, and closer to the customer than you are. So why are you telling your team what to do?"  Martin Eriksson


In modern product development, achieving a faster TTV hinges on several critical factors. By fostering cross-functional collaboration, unifying teams, staying in sync, maintaining a single source of truth, working in sprints, and empowering autonomous teams, organizations can streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and deliver value more rapidly. By embracing these principles, organizations can build better products, delight users, and stay ahead in today’s dynamic software landscape

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